Book Blog

Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Life

by Bill Clinton

While I was home over Christmas, my dad passed along this audiobook to me. I was looking for something to pass the time on the drive to Baton Rouge, and he happens to be going through a phase of listening to presidential biographies.

It's an interesting book, especially for someone interested in policy. It's a lot of woulda, coulda, shoulda of what he wanted from his presidency. It's an interesting way of defining the New Democrats. It's also an interesting look at compromises, what policy options would be on the table, and which ones weren't. Of course, the book also has the benefit of hindsight.

It's also an interesting look at regret. When I asked my dad what the President had to say about Monica Lewinsky, he told me I'd have to listen for myself. And it's true, you kinda have to hear the way he talks about it.

But if I'd ever had any thoughts about running for office, this book makes me think twice. I kinda like having a private life.


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